Privacy Policy

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and protecting your data. The purpose of this document is to clarify what information is collected from users on our website and how this data is used.

To offer our services, we collect various data and information, aiming, above all, to provide an increasingly better experience for you. We recognize that your privacy is very important, therefore, we take every possible measure to protect it. In this sense, this Privacy Policy aims to inform how your information and personal data will be collected, used, shared and stored through our websites. This document forms an integral part of our Website Terms of Use, which contains an overview of our website.

This Privacy Policy applies when you use our Services that involve online and offline data collection, including Personal Data that we collect through our services and channels, including websites, third party social media, contact forms and events. Our users can choose, in certain cases, the types of data we collect, use and share, as described in this Privacy Policy.

Acceptance of our Policy will be made when you register on our website to enjoy one of the services mentioned above. Such acceptance will take place when you affirmatively agree to the use of your data for each of the purposes described by us here. This will indicate that you are aware of and in full agreement with how we will use your information and data. If you choose not to provide us with the Personal Data necessary to use our services or if you do not agree with this Policy, we will not be able to provide you with our services. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not continue your registration procedure and do not use our services. However, please let us know your disagreement so that we can clarify or improve it.

This document has been written in a simple and accessible way, with several examples of data collection and use, precisely so that you can read and understand how we use your data to offer you a safe and comfortable experience in the use of the services that we offer you.



When accessing our website, you may provide some data or have data collected with some information that allows us to provide a service. In addition, not only can this data be collected by digital means, but we may also have some personal data from you that you provide at an event of our own or that we participate as partners. Below we describe what this information is:

When filling out the contact form, you can provide us with information such as: name, e-mail, telephone and company;

Interactions with our advertisements (for example, if you interact with one or more of our advertisements on a third-party website, we may receive information about that interaction);

If you only access our websites, we will collect your browsing data. In the case, when you visit our website, a “cookie” is inserted in your browser through the Google Analytics software, to identify how many times you return to our address;

Through a pixel on our website, we also collect data for Facebook. This data may be used for marketing campaigns through Facebook ads. You can read Facebook's privacy policy here: ;

If you interact with our materials and content, we will collect, in addition to your browsing data mentioned in the Visitors section, your visit data to our pages, and other information that you choose to share with us, through your interactions with our Landing. Pages.

When registering for any of the events and/or lectures held by us or that we are promoting as partners, you can provide us with some information, such as: name, e-mail, telephone number and company.

It is worth mentioning that all the data we collect is used for the provision of our services. Therefore, all data and information about you are treated as confidential and we will only use them for the purposes described and authorized by you, mainly so that you can fully use our services, always aiming to improve your user experience.


We will use your collected information to help us promote, improve, optimize and develop our services. Of the purposes:

Your e-mail is used for the operation of sending information requested by you when filling out the form. It can also be used to send newsletters via Mailchimp, always related to Digital Marketing topics, technology in general and also communication of the launch of new free materials or new services and partners. However, the user can unsubscribe at any time;

Employees of our team may occasionally contact you via email or telephone to request briefings, research or present services;

Send you messages regarding support or service, such as alerts, notifications and updates;

Communicate with you about products, services, promotions, news, events and other matters that you may be interested in;

Carry out targeted advertising according to your tastes, interests and other collected information.


The information we collect is stored in reliable services and, through them, we will process this data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and, thus, providing the necessary security for your data.


Your data will remain in our databases until the deletion request is made.


To request the deletion of your data, simply send an email to, that within 5 working days the data will be removed. How will we notify you of changes to this Policy?

If we make any material changes to the Policy, we will send you an email along with the new Privacy Policy. That's why it's always important to keep your contact details up to date.